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ISSN: 2333-9721
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岩石学报  2006 

Scientific problems and frontiers of sedimentary diagenesis research in oil-gas-bearing basinst

Keywords: Diagenesis,Scientific problems,Research frontiers,Oil-gas-bearing basins

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A historical review on developments of international sedimentology shows that the role of diagenesis in sedimentology evidently has changed since 1990s,and the diagenesis research community basically has been forming in the world.The authors synoptically suggest the knowledge system of diagenesis from four aspects:petrological types,geographical-climatic types,diagenetic phases and basin types,and further indicates a key scientific problem of diagenesis research in the oil-gas-bearing basins,that is, fluid-rock interaction systems and their spatio-temporal evolutional mechanisms controlled by basin geodynamic process.Subsequently, combined with focus themes in the Special Issue,this paper presents and discusses main frontiers of sedimentary diagenesis research in oil-gas-bearing basins,including basin geodynamic setting of diagenesis,fluid-rock interaction mechanisms and distribution,diagenetic traps and pool-forming condition,diagenetic application in oil-gas exploration and development.Finally some important but unsubstantial research fields are indicated in allusion to current diagenetic development in China.


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