遥感学报 2002
Overview of Spectrum-Dividing Technologies in Imaging Spectrometers
The paper describes several kinds of spectrum dividing techniques used in imaging spectrometers (IS). Dispersion type imaging spectrometers with a prism or grating have come to maturity, and used widely. The IS using a grating in divergent light is a new application method of the grating, which overcomes the defects of IS using a grating in collimated light. The imaging Fourier transform spectrometers (IFTS) have been a powerful tool to remotely detect visible and weak IR radiation. Wedge imaging spectrometer (WIS) has simple construction, and begins to be applied in practice with the further maturity of the process of variable filter. Owing to the limitation of the tunable filter manufacturing process, the imaging spectrometer using tunable filters will need long time to be used as payloads of satellites. The imaging spectrometer using diffractive optics has compact construction, small volume and rapid scanning speed, and its practical ground manufacture have been visible. The computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS) is in the experimental stage because of its new working principle. 3D imaging spectrometer can be used to measure the objects which often change rapidly, by use of its unique characteristics it can obtain two dimension image and one dimension spectral information.