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岩石学报  2009 

Issues on metallogenesis and prospecting of gold and copper deposits related to adakite and Himalayan type granite in west Qinling

Keywords: West Qinling,Adakite,Himalayan type granite,Gold deposit,Copper deposit,Carlin type,Porphyry type

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Gold deposits spreading extensively in west Qinling have been grouped into such two types as orogenic type and Carlin type, which is accepted by most researchers of the present academic field. In the study area developed Indo-chinese epoch granite, most of which have the characteristics of adakite and Himalayan type granite (relatively low content of Sr and Yb), and related to distribution of gold and copper deposits spatially and timely. The study on Carlin type gold deposits in Nevada, USA show that it is a world-level concentration area of gold deposit, Tertiary igneous rock (intermediate-acid rock and hypabyssal granite) related to gold and copper deposits have the geochemical characteristics of adakite and Himalayan type granite which indicate that the sources of Carlin type gold deposit in Nevada come from the bottom of thickened lower crust. In the paper the metallogenetic mechanism of adakite and Himalayan type granite was discussed, west Qinling was divided into two metallogenetic regions as north and south with the boundary of Xiahe-Tanchang-Liangdang-Fengxian, including 13 metallogenetic concentration areas. In the north region, the developed granite is favorable to search porphyry type, skarn type and hydrothermal type gold and copper deposit; in the south region, it is good to search gold deposits away from igneous rock mass (including Carlin type, sedimentary type, rupture zone type and altered rock type, etc.). West Qinling where Indo-chinese adakite and Himalayan type granite developed extensively, most gold and copper deposits with the features of wide distribution and high reserves are related to adakite and Himalayan type granite should be developed the most potential gold region.


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