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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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生态学报  2009 

The function of ecological security patterns as an urban growth framework in Beijing

Keywords: ecological security pattern,ecological infrastructure,landscape security pattern,land-use,Beijing

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In consideration of the current trends in globalization and rapid urbanization in China, the ecological security of Chinese cites is quickly becoming a central issue. Using Beijing City as a case study, this paper proposes a systematic methodology in planning and designing Ecological Security Patterns based on the theory of Landscape Security Patterns and Ecological Infrastructure. At the regional scale, ecological security patterns are designed to account for flood and storm water management, geological disaster prevention, biodiversity conservation, and cultural heritage protection and recreation, and are produced with the aid of GIS models. These patterns are integrated into a comprehensive ecological security pattern, which is then used to determine future urban growth patterns and provide optimized land-use strategies. Comparative impact evaluations for these scenarios show that the Urban Growth resulting from Ecological Security Pattern can effectively retain the integrity of ecological processes and prevent urban sprawl. The urban growth pattern based on satisfying (medium level) Ecological Security Pattern can both provide for the requirements of competing land uses and establish a solid landscape infrastructure to safeguard the natural and cultural resources of Beijing and beyond.


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