PRUEBA DE SENSIBILIDAD ANTIMICROBIANA DE CEPAS DE Salmonella GRUPO D (MóVILES E INMóVILES) AISLADAS DE PONEDORAS COMERCIALES EN COLOMBIAKeywords: salmonella group d, antimicrobial susceptibility test, agar gel diffusion, sensidisc, antimicrobials, and commercial layers hens. Abstract: infections caused by salmonella bacteria are a major cause of economic losses in the poultry industry, because caused mainly by the presentation of diarrheas and septicemic birds leading to a marked decrease in the production death. in colombia due to the negative effect by salmonella spp. in poultry, and with the aim of controlling the disease, the people have been using a variety of antimicrobials, which do not possess sufficient information about its behavior in terms of sensitivity and resistance against strains of salmonella spp. field. the aim of this study was to determine the response of 20 strains of salmonella group d (mobile and non mobile) isolated from commercial laying hens in colombia against different antimicrobials. for the isolation and characterization are using conventional microbiological techniques, biochemical tests, serological testing and antibiotic susceptibility by agar diffusion. the results revealed a total resistance to streptomycin, followed by tetracycline and florfenicol and less resistance to products such as fosfomycin and chloramphenicol.