HIBRIDACIóN IN SITU PARA LA DETECCIóN DE Streptococcus agalactiae EN TEJIDOS DE TILAPIA (Oreochromis sp.)Keywords: in situ hybridization, streptococcus agalactiae, tilapia, molecular biology. Abstract: streptococcosis is one of the most important health problems in world aquaculture. in colombia, the disease affects significantly tilapia farms. the standardization of the his technique was achieved in tilapia tissues previously identified as positive for the presence of s. agalactiae by other techniques as indirect immunoperoxidase technique (ipi) and microbiology. positive signal was obtained within the granulomas with specificity of 100%. the usefulness of the tiramide about increasing the signal intensity was confirmed. the his in tilapia tissues can be used in the diagnosis, pathogenesis and epidemiological studies of the disease. further research is required to optimize the hybridization of bacteria located free in the tissues and to assess the technique sensitivity.