GESTIóN DE LA INFORMACIóN EN LOS SISTEMAS DE PRODUCCIóN ANIMAL: -UNA MIRADA AL CASO DE LA OVINO-CAPRINOCULTURA-Keywords: information systems, sheep, goat, information management. Abstract: a review of a set of different papers has been performed in order to get a general scope of the current status of the information systems research & development and its applications in livestock production, and specifically for the sheep and goat production systems. the review's span includes the fundamentals of the information systems discipline and the current knowledge on support decision and knowledge management systems, ending the selection with a revision of the integrated control systems technologies and its applications on livestock. the exercise ends with a review of the current status of the sheep & goat production systems, in order to create a framework to analyze the use and impact of the information technologies in this area of the animal production systems. we conclude that in general terms, the sheep & goat production - consumption chain is weakly organized, and the adoption of information management systems is low in this animal production system. it is recommended to classify the producers according with their information needs and their ability to use it, developing non - computerized alternatives for those low-tech producers.