CAMBIOS EN LA ACTIVIDAD ENZIMáTICA EN DUODENO Y YEYUNO DE CERDOS DURANTE VARIOS PERIODOS POSDESTETEKeywords: digestion, small intestine, weaning. Abstract: objective: to evaluate changes in the enzymatic intestinal activity of pigs during several post-weaning periods. materials and methods: the experiment was conducted in san pablo production center of the universidad nacional de colombia (medellín). were used 16 weaned pigs at 21 days of age. animals were fed for 10 days with a basal diet of milk and some of its derivatives, and that also fulfilled all the nutritionals minimums. pigs were sequentially slaughtered on days one, five, seven, and 10 days after weaning and a complete extraction of small intestine was realized, and divided in two equal size sections (duodenum and jejunum). enzymatical activity analysis (apn, dpp-iv, lph, mga, si) was performed using the initial rates method. the statistical design used was completely at random. results: there were statistical differences for each of the enzymes under study (p<0.01). on day five negative changes were observed in all enzymes compared to their state during the first post-weaning day; however, between one and 10 post-weaning days there were significant differences in apn, dpp-iv, lph (p<0.01). the proximal section (duodenum) (p <0.01) showed the highest enzymatic activities. conclusions: the early weaning causes the decrease of enzymatic activity at intestinal level, and the under-use of the nutrients, and therefore, high incidence of post-weaning diarrhea.