INTUSUSCEPCIóN CECOCóLICA E INVAGINACIóN DEL CIEGO EN UN CANINO: REPORTE DE CASOKeywords: dog diseases, cecum, cecocolic intussusceptions. Abstract: a case is presented of a mestizo fox terrier dog than presented diarrhea with blood and the initial treatment didn't achieved any improve; with palpation it was determinate a mass to the colon, which was confirmed after performing the routine clinical testing and radiographic studies of intestinal transit; also, megacolon is diagnosed. exploratory laparotomy was performed at it was found cecocolic intussusepction and the cecum invagination, the surgical procedure developed was typhlectomy and of end-to-end intestinal anastomoses; after the procedure, the patient was completely recovered to the intestinal disease.