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Tabelas de referências das qualidades físicas básicas de meninos de 9 a 14 anos

DOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000400010

Keywords: child development, growth and development, athletic performance.

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objective developing anthropometric reference tables and physical qualities regarding coordination, lower limb explosive power and speed of movement for 9 to 14 year-old children. method anthropometric factors (weight and height), speed protocols (30 meters), coordination (burpee) and strength (sargent jump test) were assessed in 536 individuals. descriptive methodology was used for survey standards, tables being sorted by their averages and standard deviations, values above average standard deviation (above the mean) by two standard deviations (excellent) and those below average standard deviation (below the mean) by two standard deviations (very much below average) regarding chronological age. results study values progressed up to age 9 to 11, whilst height and speed no longer evolved as before at age 12 and 13, the 12 year-old group presenting better results regarding these variables than the 13 year-old group. the lower limbs' explosive force progressed with height up to age 13, even though results were not so good in this group compared to the 12-year old group. motor coordination was the same in the 9 and 10 year-old groups and differed from that for those aged 14, and 11,12 and 13 years where they entered the range of values considered excellent in the table, because the score reached 08 repeats for the test. conclusion the reference tables appeared to be applicable, facilitating the comparison of parameters for studying young brazilians.


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