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Diabetes en México y Colombia: análisis de la tendencia de a?os de vida perdidos, 1998-2007

DOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000400002

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, mortality, mortality rate, colombia, mexico.

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objective analysing the level and impact of mortality directly caused by diabetes by gender and age group in mexico and colombia between 1998 and 2007. material and method vital statistics provided by the mexican institute of statistics and geography (instituto nacional de estadística y geografía inegi) and the colombian statistics administrative department (departamento administrativo nacional de estadística-dane) were analysed regarding mortality caused by diabetes. standardized mortality rates were calculated for both men and women; potential lost years of life (plyl) were then obtained for each country, every year, by gender, using 5year age-groups (2079 years). resultsthe standardized mortality rate for diabetes in colombia rose from 28.1 deaths per 100 000 people in 1998 to 29.3 in 2007; in mexico it grew from 101.4 to 135.1 per 100 000 people during the same period. women had higher mortality rates than men for each year in both mexico and colombia. the plyl decreased by 6.1 % in colombia and rose by 30 % in mexico. the 6069 year-old age-group was most affected in colombia compared to the 5574 year-old bracket in mexico. conclusions there was no significant increase in mortality from diabetes in colombia during the study period compared to a high increase in mortality in mexico, thereby contrasting two latin-american countries' lifestyles.


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