Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas comunitarias en un brote de Dengue en un municipio de Colombia, 2010DOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000300013 Keywords: dengue, aedes, risk factor, community participation, colombia. Abstract: objective 17 cases of dengue were reported from the town of el playón (7°28'15"-n/73°12'00"-w/altitude 510 masl) during epidemiological study weeks 5-6 and 12-13/2010. the santander department's health secretariat sought outbreak investigation and community knowledge-attitudes-practice (kap) assessment on 16-4-2010 concerning a dengue fever outbreak in the town after an epidemiological surveillance committee had met; this was to strengthen local action regarding aedes aegypti vector promotion-prevention-control. methods this was a descriptive outbreak investigation study using an active search for cases having clinical manifestations of dengue according to protocol definitions, an entomological survey and a kap survey of 47 people selected by simple-random-sampling. data was systematised and analysed using epi-info (3.5.1) with measures of central tendency-male ratio, in-house aegypti (ia), water-storage (wi) and breatau (bi) indexes. results 4,774 clinical records were examined. there were 67 records compatible with dengue, 24 cases were notified (75 % town-25 % department), 15 (63 %) being women and 9 (38 %) men. 20 (83 %) cases occurred in the urban area and 4 (17 %) in rural areas. attack rate/cumulated incidence: initial=0.3 % (17/6 303), final=0.4 % (24/6 303), male ratio=1.5. 47 houses and 142 water-storage items proved positive: low water-stores=8.7 %(4/46), rubber tyres=8.3 %(1/12), others=4.4 %(2/45), plants=2.9 %(1/34). ia=5 %, wi=6%, bi=17%, taxonomy confirmed=15 %(7/47). 47 kap, 36 (77 %) women, 11 (23 %) men; knowledge on disease, symptoms and signs 44 (94 %), eliminating larvae deposits 32(68 %), asked about dengue 3(6 %), informed about responsibilities related to control 25(53 %). conclusions: the local community knows about risk factors and is aware of its responsibility regarding vector control. community participation should be promoted using the ecosystem as a strategy for mosquito and dengue transmission control.