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Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones sobre enfermedades infecciosas en Colombia, 2000-2009

DOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000200011

Keywords: bibliometric, infectious disease, publication, colombia.

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objective analysing scientific production in the area of infectious diseases in colombia, 2000-2009. material and methods a literature search was made in category a journals in colciencias' publindex. the journals were: biomédica, revista de salud pública (universidad nacional), colombia médica, ciencias pecuarias, latreia, mvz córdoba, revista de medicina (universidad nacional) and infectio. results 2,963 publications were found; 2,744 (92.6 %) were national publications and 219 (7.4 %) were foreign submissions, of which 863 (29.1 %) were on infectious diseases, 817 (94.7 %) having been submitted nationally and 46 (5.3 %) submitted by foreigners. national publications on infectious diseases were distributed as follows: 268 on parasitology (32.8 %), bacteriology and antimicrobial resistance accounted for 267 (32.7 %), virology 210 (25.7 %), mycology 46 (5.6 %) and other items related to infectious diseases accounted for 26 (3.2 %). the regional distribution of publications was: cundinamarca 239 (29.3 %), antioquia 211 (25.8 %), valle del cauca 60 (7.3 %), caribbean coast 52 (6.4 %), the santanders 38 (4.6 %), the coffee-growing area 31 (3.8 %) and southern colombia 13 (1.6 %). conclusions this is the first study which has analysed publications on infectious diseases in colombia. there was regional imbalance concerning bibliometric indicators in colombia; public universities accounted for 90 % of research being carried out in the area of infectious diseases in colombia.


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