Imagen profesional de farmacias comunitarias: causas y estrategias de mejora aplicando técnicas de investigación cualitativaDOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000200009 Keywords: pharmacy, community pharmacy service, qualitative research, focus group. Abstract: objective ascertaining pharmacists' views related to factors explaining the lack of visibility of community pharmacies as being health facilities and proposing strategies for improving community pharmacy professional service accessibility using qualitative research techniques. methods the nominal group technique (ngt) was used in two successive rounds using separate guidelines for factors and strategies. framework analysis was then carried out. results thirty-four ideas related to "factors" and 32 related to "strategies" were obtained. strategies were grouped into 14 topics, emphasising those prioritising patient-orientated professional services, ethical aspects and pharmacists' ongoing education. discussion the techniques used led to identifying situations perceived by pharmacists which are not formally described in the literature. raising awareness of professional services in community pharmacies implies agreeing on and developing strategies which should be based on joint participation by the pharmacists themselves, professional associations and universities.