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Cost-effectiveness analysis regarding postoperative administration of vitamin-D and calcium after thyroidectomy to prevent hypocalcaemia

DOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000500009

Keywords: thyroid neoplasm, thyroidectomy, hypocalcaemia, cost-benefit.

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objective hypocalcaemia is a frequently arising complication following total thyroidectomy. routine postoperative prophylactic administration of vitamin d or metabolites and calcium reduce the incidence of symptomatic hypocalcaemia; this article reports evaluating its cost-effectiveness in colombia. methods meta-analysis was used for comparing the administration of vitamin d or metabolites to oral calcium or no treatment at all in patients following total thyroidectomy and a cost-effectiveness analysis was designed based on a decision-tree model with local costs. results the or value for the comparison between calcitriol and calcium compared to no treatment and to exclusive calcium treatment groups was 0.32 (0.13-0.79 95 %ci) and 0.31 (0.14-0.70 95 %ci), respectively. the most cost-effective strategy was vitamin d or metabolites and calcium administration, having a us $0.05 incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. conclusion prophylactic treatment of hypocalcaemia with vitamin d or metabolites + calcium or calcium alone is a cost-effective strategy.


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