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Conocimiento sobre VIH-SIDA en estudiantes de secundaria de Cartagena, Colombia

DOI: 10.1590/S0124-00642011000500006

Keywords: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, attitude, adolescent, student, cross-sectional study.

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objective determining the level of hiv/aids knowledge amongst high-students living in cartagena, colombia. method a cross-sectional study was designed using a sample of secondary school students who completed a six-question questionnaire about their knowledge of hiv/aids and the myths related to it. logistic regression was used for adjusting associations. results a total of 2,625 10- to 20-year-old students participated in the research. a group of 249 (9.5 or; 8.4-10.6 95 %ci) answered the questionnaire properly. being a high-school student (2.62 or; 4.82-13.29 95 %ci) and studying in a private school (1.32 or, 1.24 to 3.54 95 %ci), adjusted for age, were associated with having good hiv/aids knowledge. conclusions students from secondary schools in cartagena were seen to have limited knowledge of hiv/aids. a higher level of knowledge was observed amongst high school and private school students. more research is needed to strengthen sexual and reproductive health education.


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