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Claves de la Publicación Psicológica en Colombia: Ritmo, Grupos y Modalidades de Producción en la Práctica Investigativa

Keywords: research groups, indexation, psychology in colombia.

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the article reviews and analyzes 4,036 articles and 1,084 book chapters by colombian authors published in domestic and international psychology journals reported in gruplac, an application used by the colombian administrative department of science, technology and inno- vation to measure academic productivity. results show an exponential growth in publications between 2000 and 2010, which suggests that apart from being a professional career, psychology is on its way to establishing itself as a scientific discipline in colombia. despite undeniable advances, data gathered from the study showed few publications in english and limited collaborative work among groups. these areas need to be addressed in order for psychology in colombia to continue growing steadily as a science.


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