PREPARACIóN DE CARBONES ACTIVADOS A PARTIR DE RESIDUOS DE LLANTAS. ACTIVACIóN FíSICA Y QUíMICAKeywords: chemical activation, physical activation, immersion enthalpies, activated carbon, waste tire. Abstract: activated carbons are prepared by chemical activation from waste tire with aqueous solutions at different concentrations of two activating agents-h3po4 and koh--and by physical activation with co2. the activated carbons are characterized by the determination of adsorption isotherms n2 at 77 k, which show the form typical of structures mesoporous and allow calculating the surface specific area, for the activated carbons obtained that presented values between 25,4 and 157,3 m2g-1. the immersion enthalpies of the activated carbons in benzene and water present values that are between 3,12 and 27,6 jg-1 and 9,81 and 30,6 jg-1, respectively, and show the surface interactions type that can have the porous solids obtained with different adsorbates. a directly linear proportional behavior for the relation between the micropore volume and the surface area, and a relation of the second order between the surface area and the immersion enthalpy in benzene were found. in agreement with the conditions of preparation, the solid porous obtained are adapted for the adsorption of compounds in liquid phase because of its major mesoporous volume.