ANáLISIS DE RESIDUOS DE PLAGUICIDAS EN TOMATE MEDIANTE EL USO DE QuEChERS Y CROMATOGRAFíA LíQUIDA ULTRARRáPIDA ACOPLADA A ESPECTROMETRíA DE MASASKeywords: pesticides, mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography. Abstract: we developed a multiresidue method for determining 24 pesticides of different physicochemical characteristics presents on tomato. the extraction process is based on the quechers method, and the determination of the compounds was performed using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. the validation results indicated that the method presents recoveries between 71.3 and 114%, coefficients of variation below 20%, detection limits from 0.002 to 0.225 mg/kg, quantification limits between 0.009 and 0.750 mg/kg. in linearity studies, the results were adequate in the ranges evaluated for all the parameters in this study. finally, to test methodology, some samples from the department of boyacá were analyzed. indoxacarb was present in amounts below the maximum residues limit.