DETERMINACIóN DE LA CINéTICA DE ADSORCIóN DE 2,4-DINITROFENOL EN CARBONIZADO DE HUESO BOVINO POR ESPECTROFOTOMETRíA UV-VISKeywords: kinetic adsorption, 2,4-dinitrophenol, char bovine bone, adsorption from solution. Abstract: adsorbent material was obtained by heat treatment of bovine bone. this char has a surface area of 171 m2g-1, textural characteristics of a mesoporous material, and presence of the principal component of bone matrix-hidroxiapatite. the 2,4-dinitrophenol adsorption from aqueous solution in function of time was carried on the charred and determined the kinetics of adsorption by models of pseudo-first and pseudo second order. additionally, we identified the diffusion mechanism through intraparticle diffusion model. the experimental kinetic data are more correlated with the pseudo second order model. the intraparticle diffusion model shows that the adsorption process is governed by stage where the diffusion particle mechanism is the rate-limiting.