VALIDACIóN DE UNA METODOLOGíA PARA LA DETERMINACIóN DE CARBOFURAN EN SUELOS MEDIANTE CROMATOGRAFíA LíQUIDA DE ALTA EFICIENCIA CON DETECCIóN ULTRAVIOLETA (CLAR-UV)Keywords: pesticides, n-metilcarbamates, carbofuran, soil, spe, hplc. Abstract: an analytic method was validated to quantify carbofuran residues in soil samples. the pesticides were extracted from the matrix by mechanic stirring, using ethyl acetate as a solvent. these extracts were cleaned by using cartridges c18. the determination and quantification of carbofuran was made by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (hplc-uv). the wavelength was 205 nm. the validated method is specific and selective for carbofuran, is linear in the range from 0.47 to 2.36 mg kg-1, is accurate with a typical variation coefficient of 10.78%, is exact with recovering percentage (% r) equivalent to 98.25±3.97% and sensitive with detection and quantification limits since 0.045 and 0.149 mg kg-1 respectively. the robustness of the method was recognized. two samples from soil of coffee cultivation were analyzed. residues ofcarbofuranwerefoundduringthe first thirty days after application. two samples of soil coffee were analyzed finding residues of carbofuran during the first thirty days after application.