DEGRADACIóN QUíMICA DEL POLI(ETILEN TEREFTALATO)Keywords: pet, degradation, reaction model, power law. Abstract: in this work the degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) was analyzed by varying the temperature and the concentration of potassium hydroxide in 1-butanol holding constant the size and weight of the sample. the temperature range used was from 110oc to 150oc and concentrations of potassium hydroxide in 1-butanol in the range of 0,4 to 4,4 molar, obtaining 99% degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in one hour. the temperature of 150°c and the concentration of 3,34 m were used to study the degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) as a function of time. we obtained two phases, an organic phase and solid phase. the solid phase is a soluble in acidic solutions. the solid phase probably corresponds to the of potassium terephthalate. from the results and comparing with models of degradation found in the literature this work suggests that poly(ethylene terephthalate) degradation reaction occurs type power law.