ANáLISIS TERMOGRAVIMéTRICO EN LA CARACTERIZACIóN DE CARBONES COLOMBIANOS EMPLEADOS EN LA PRODUCCIóN DE COQUEKeywords: coal, coal characterization, thermogravimetric analysis, coke. Abstract: five types of coal from the states of cundinamarca, boyaca and norte de santander (colombia) were characterized by proximate, ultimate, rheological, petrographic, calorific and thermogravimetric analysis. the parameters used, especially the ones which determine the rheological properties show that the studied coals and its blends could produce good quality coke. it was observed the inverse relationship between the volatile matter content and the mean vitrinite reflectance, relationship which is attributed to the increase of the aromaticity in the molecular structure of the coal as a consequence of the rank increase. the parameters derived from the thermogravimetric analysis, maximum velocity of de-volatilization and the temperature of maximum velocity of de-volatilization and the media reflectance of the vitrinite showed good correlations. also was observed an interesting correlation between the velocity ofde-volatilization and maximum fluidity. this shows that the thermogravimetric analysis can be a useful tool to characterize in a quick way coals used for metallurgical coke production.