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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Indicadores Estructurales y Conglomerados de Actores en la Red Social de una Subcultura Urbana

Keywords: analysis of social networks, youth culture, urban tribes, subculture, socialization, rock subculture.

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the objective of this study was to determine the socialization structure of a subculture or urban tribe, by measuring the structural indicators of its social network and identifying sub-groupings. eleven members of the rock subculture were evaluated through the arizona social support interview schedule (assis). the data was processed using the social network analysis (sna) with the software ucinet, and networks graphs were created with netdraw. it was possible to identify moderate levels of structural indicators in which groupings of large numbers of actors under the criterion of attraction by similarity was significant. finally, there were few subgroups within the network, which indicates that the subculture is a social unit where integration is achieved by close ties among its members.


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