INTERVALOS DE INTEGRACIóN UNIFICADOS PARA LA CARACTERIZACIóN ESTRUCTURAL DE PETRóLEOS, CARBONES O SUS FRACCIONES POR RMN 1H Y RMN 13CKeywords: structural characterization of coal and oil, nuclear magnetic resonance, integration of 1h nmr and 13c nmr spectra, descriptive statistics. Abstract: based on an analysis of publications reported between 1972 and 2006, it became clear that there are inaccuracies in the limits of the ranges of integration that the authors assigned to signals in nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) to the structural characterization of petroleum, coals and their derived fractions, from their hydrogen (1h nmr) and carbon (13c nmr) spectra. consequently, consolidated limits were determined for the integration of 1h nmr spectra and 13c nmr of these samples using a statistical treatment applied to the limits of integration intervals already published. with these unified limits, correlation nmr charts were developed that are useful for the allocation of the integral at such intervals, and at smaller intervals defined in terms of the intersection between different assignments. also raised equations needed to establish the integral attributable to specific fragments in an attempt to make a more accurate structural characterization from nmr spectra of oil, coal or fractions derived.