ANáLISIS DEL PERFIL DE COMPUESTOS VOLáTILES DEL MANGO (Mangifera indica L. Var. Tommy Atkins) TRATADO POR MéTODOS COMBINADOSKeywords: volatile compounds, osmotic dehydration, mangoes, drying. Abstract: the aromatic profile of mango (mangifera indica l. var. tommy atkins) after be treated with the combination of osmotic dehydration methods with or without vacuum pulse (dopv and do) and with hot air or vacuum drying (sac and vac) was evaluated. the time spent on the kinetics of the do process was 42 hours and for dopv was 30 hours, in drying processes, the sac was held for 24 hours and the vac for 40 hours. in the profile of volatile compounds of fresh mango analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry detector (gc-ms), compounds founded were mono and sesquiterpenes type, besides fatty acids and esters. the germacrene d (20.49%) was the terpene compound most abundant found in the analysis. the amount of volatile compounds in processed fruit was affected by the application of dopv and vac, but these losses were lower than in the dried samples without osmotic pretreatment. in the sensory analysis performed, the treated fruit by do and dopv showed less qualified odor intensity compared with the sample not pretreated.