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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Modulación Contextual en la Extinción: Recuperación de una Aversión Condicionada al Sabor en un Tercer Contexto

Keywords: renewal, extinction, conditioned taste aversion, rats.

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this experiment was designed to evaluate abc renewal in a conditioned taste aversion (cta) procedure consisting of three phases: acquisition, extinction and test. during the acquisition phase, 15 wistar rats assigned to groups abc and abb had access to a sucrose solution, after which they were injected with lithium chloride (licl) in context a. in the extinction phase, both groups of rats had access to the sucrose solution in context b, but no licl was administered. finally, during the test, group abb received sucrose solution without licl in the extinction context, while group abc was tested in a third context. results showed renewal of conditioned taste aversion only in the abc group.


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