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Elementos para una Política Pública desde la Percepción del Suicidio en Nari?o

Keywords: risk factors, protective factors, young people, social perception, public policy, suicide.

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the objective of this study of community perceptions regarding the suicide of young people in the department of nari?o (colombia) was to provide elements for the formulation of a public policy. a qualitative study was carried out on the basis of focal groups and individual interviews with different population sectors in the municipalities of pasto, la unión, tumaco, and ipiales. perceived protective and risk factors at the individual, family, socio-cultural, and political levels were analyzed, and the results were validated with the participating population. the social actors perceive suicide as a multi-determined problem that involves cognitive, relational, educational, economic, political, and cultural aspects. the study highlighted the need to implement inclusive social policies aimed at fostering protective factors such as social support, integrated education, and the availability of leisure time activities, and programs that promote personal skills and competences, as well as the need to design joint strategies to reduce risk factors.


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