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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Donde se muestran algunos resultados de atribución de autor en torno a la obra cervantina

Keywords: bayes rule, classification tree, cross validation, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, machine learning.

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in this paper, some classification methods are applied to a set of texts with the aim of studying the probability that the book novela de la tía fingida has been written by miguel de cervantes. this novel has been historically attributed to him but there are some encountered positions about this. the methods used in this paper range from: logistic regression, additive logistic regression, linear, quadratic, regularized, mixture and flexible discriminant analysis, classification tree, k-nearest neighbour, naive bayes method and support vector machines. methods were trained and applied using a corpus of authors contemporary to cervantes as lope de vega, jerónimo de pasamonte, alonso fernández de avellaneda, mateo alemán, and francisco de quevedo and more than forty variables, mainly words and punctuation marks, measured over written texts by these authors. respect to these methods, most of them classify the novel as another cervantes work; however, is our recommendation to include more texts from these authors and more authors.


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