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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Aplicación del análisis de datos recurrentes sobre interruptores FL245 en Interconexión Eléctrica S.A.

Keywords: competing risks, copula, identifiability, reliability.

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recurrent data arise when a unit (or group of such units) is monitored over time and a particular event (or group of events) occurs at several points of the observation period, for example, times of recurrent episodes of a disease in patients or times of repair of a manufactured product. many systems, subsystems, and components (which we generically refer to as "units") have more than one cause of failure. in some applications and for some purposes it is important to distinguish between the different failure causes (sometimes referred to as "failure modes"). for purposes of improving reliability, it is essential to identify the cause of failure up to the component level and, in many applications, up to the actual physical cause of failure. this paper presents an application of the recurrent data analysis performed on type fl245 switches (repairable units of interconexión eléctrica s.a., isa), that includes the use of non-parametric and parametric statistical methods, considering several failure modes.


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