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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Generación de anticuerpos policlonales para la detección de la variante genotípica GIII de PVY, en cultivos de tomate de árbol y papa de Colombia

Keywords: elisa, policlonal antibodies, potyvirus, rt-pcr, potato virus y.

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pvy is one of the potyvirus more frequently associated with viral infections in tomato and tamarillo crops in colombia. due to the economic impact of pvy and the need to certify seeds as virus-free it is important to develop diagnostic tools that allow its premature detection. in this work, the obtention of antibodies detecting the genotype iii of pvy is reported. this genotype is one of the three pvy variants infecting tamarillo and potato in the andean region of colombia. the n-terminal variable region of the coat protein was chosen as antigen for antibody production. the sensibility of these antibodies was tested by elisa and dot-blot using synthetic peptides. a pilot test was performed on symptomatic and non-symptomatic plants from a mixed orchard of tamarillo and potato. the generated antibodies showed higher detection levels than the commercial antibodies commonly used to detect the pvy-o,c and pvy-n serotypes.


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