Caracterización molecular de los genes pr1 y tpt1 en especies y variedades cubanas de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)Keywords: expressed sequence tag (ests), cdna microarray, molecular characterization. Abstract: the identification of new genes related with nicotiana tabacum l. response to biotic and abiotic stress contribute to the genetic improvement of tobacco plants around the world. the aim of this research was to identify tpt1 and pr1 genes in the genomic of some cuban tobacco varieties and species. the microarray technology has been used with ests for the construction of a cdna library. 265 expressed sequences tags (ests) that have never been reported before in vegetables species were identified and the gene that codified for the transcriptional controlled tumor protein (tpt1), has never been reported before in n. tabacum, with the studies about this gene being focused on human and animals mostly. the microarray results were confirmed using quantitative rt- pcr. tctp and pathogenesis-related protein 1 (pr-1) ests were used to design primers for the molecular characterization of some species and cuban tobacco varieties. the tpt1 gene was only expressed in two species (n. glutinosa y n. tomentosiformis) and pr1 gen, after a digestion, exhibited different bands for susceptible and resistant varieties. the detection of these genes in some species and cuban tobacco varieties represents one step to go deeply in the molecular characterization of cuban germoplasm.