Distribución y diversidad genética de Begomovirus que infectan tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L) en ColombiaKeywords: geminivirus, solanum licopersicum, pcr-rflp, mixed infections. Abstract: diseased caused by begomoviruses (family geminiviridae) constitute a serious constraint to tomato production in colombia. however characterization of these new viruses had not been carried out so far. here we report a large scale survey on the distribution and genetic diversity of tomato infecting geminiviruses which are affecting mayor growing area of this crop in the country. viruses were detected by pcr using universal primers for members of genus begomovirus. the rflp analysis of pcr-amplified fragments showed individual and mixed infections of several geminiviruses in many of the samples. pcr-amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. based on sequence comparations and phylogenetic analysis, the colombian geminivirus isolates were new world bipartite geminiviruses showing close relationship with pymv and tovev. by means of bioinformatic analysis of cis-acting elements (iterons) involved in dna replication of rep gene of colombian geminivirus isolates was possible to postulate possible pseudorecombinación events that could occur between them but also confirm the occurrence of mixed infections.