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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Assays for the in vitro establishment of Swietenia macrophylla and Cedrela odorata

Keywords: spanish cedar, mahogany, mature plants, surface sterilization, in vitro response.

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recalcitrance and contamination in mahogany (swietenia macrophylla king) and spanish cedar (cedrela odorata l.) stem tissues are the main causes of its ineffective in vitro propagation. the objectives of this research were: a) to evaluate sodium hypochlorite (naocl) and plant preservative mixture (ppm?) as surface disinfectants and/or added to the culture medium for the in vitro establishment of nodal explants taken from 10-year-old mahogany and spanish cedar plants, and b) to evaluate the in vitro response of such explants treated with n6-benzylaminopurine (bap) (0, 2.2, 4.4, 8.8, 17.7 μm), silver nitrate (agno3) (0, 3 mg l-1), activated charcoal (0, 1 g l-1) and vented caps. all the experiments were arranged in a completely randomized design. the naocl at 15%, for 20 min, as a surface sterilization or ppm? at 2 ml l-1 into the culture medium, were the best treatments to reduce contamination for both species. for mahogany explants, bap at 17.7 μm resulted in higher percentages of bud breaks than spanish cedar (64% and 25%, respectively). leaves on elongated shoots dropped off by 20 days after starting the explants in culture and neither the activated charcoal nor the agno3 alone or combined prevented leaf abscission. the agno3 decreased contamination, but also increased leaf abscission. bud breaks was two-fold higher for nodal explants established in vessels with vented caps than with normal caps. mahogany nodal explants were easier to surface sterilize and more buds broke from bap treated explants than spanish cedar treated explants in the in vitro establishment.


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