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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Nuevos genotipos de arroz resistentes a la Piriculariosis obtenidos por cultivo de anteras

Keywords: rice, rice breeding, anther culture.

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crosses were made between four blast resistant and six rice varieties of good agronomic performance, at the los palacios rice research station of the national agricultural sciences institute of cuba (inca) and the anthers from f2 plants were in vitro culture using three liquid media: n6-1, n6m, and nl, for callus formation and after plants regenerations using ms medium. the first two generations of breeding lines were evaluated for agronomic characters and the second generations, also, for blast resistant. the lines that combined resistance to blast and good agronomic performance were evaluated under high pressure of natural blast infection conditions. the success rate of anther culture was highly dependent on the genotype and culture media used. nl medium led to the highest callus formation values. in the process, new blast resistant and high yielding genotypes were obtained.


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