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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Predicción de la estructura secundaria de proteínas usando Máquinas de soporte Vectorial

Keywords: coding methodology, support vector machines, prediction of protein secondary structure..

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among the computational methods used for predicting secondary structure proteins highlights the use of support vector machines. this research shows the predicted secondary structure of protein from its primary amino acid sequence using support vector machines. as inputs, in the proposed methodology, features are used from different structural motifs or text strings associated with the primary structure which represents the secondary structure, such as r-group and the probability that the amino acid at position adopts a central particular secondary structure. for feature extraction method is used coding of sequences in which each symbol in the primary structure is associated with each symbol in the secondary structure. the use of this encoding method reduces the dimensionality of the data of thousands of characteristics only 220 of these. the results obtained are comparable to those reported in the literature, taking about 70% accuracy. furthermore, it is possible to reduce computational cost in the construction of classifiers because this work models the problem of multi classification as a group of binary classifiers.


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