Estandarización de marcadores moleculares microsatélites para su uso en la industria forestal de Misiones, ArgentinaKeywords: technology, forestry, araucaria angustifolia, pinus taeda, microsatellite. Abstract: misiones province currently has the first intensive forestry activity of argentine. this framework of productive development allows predict an area of growth favored by the new conditions of the international market. on the other side despite the progress of industrial technology, has not been reached the optimal level of biotechnological development that combining quality with genomic and phenotypic characteristics of forest species. this work presents the results of federal project of productive innovation (pfip mi09) whose main objective was standardize and transfer to the productive sector a set of microsatellites molecular markers to be applied to the populations analysis of araucaria angustifolia and pinus taeda forestation from the misiones (argentine). this will reveal the plantations and forest genetic profile and may be applied to genetic certification of forest production quality.