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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Potencial probiótico de cepas nativas para uso como aditivos en la alimentación avícola

Keywords: gallus gallus, saccharomyces sp, bacillus sp, lactobacillus sp, microbial additives.

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was evaluated in vitro the probiotic potential of native strains isolated from feces of wild chickens (gallus gallus) belonging to the genera lactobacillus sp., bacillus sp. and saccharomyces ; probiotic activity was determined by testing acid resistance (ph 3, 4, 5.6, 7), bile salts (0,05, 0,1, 0,15, 0,3%), tolerance to nacl (2, 4, 7,10%), antagonistic activity (salmonella spp, e. coli), production gas (glucose), growth temperatures (28, 37, 43 ° c) and growth capacity. the most tolerant strains were identified by biochemical tests and carbohydrate fermentation. as a result it was found that three microorganisms: saccharomyces sp. (3), bacillus sp. (7) and lactobacillus sp. (14) have probiotic properties.


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