Total of 10 articles.


Oct 30, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Impact of Gender-Based Violence on DevelopingChildren’s Personalities

Jade G. Bonganciso, Bharti Kumari
The article sheds light on “gender-based violence” and its impacts on the development of children in India. Different types of “gender-based violence” are domestic violence against men and women, sexual violence against women and children, kidnapping, rape and others are influential towards the developing perspective and personality of children. Often children become emotionally damaged, depressed, angry, introverted and antisocial due to experiencing “gender-based violence”. Thus, identifying t...

Culture  Demography 

Oct 30, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Effectiveness of the United Nations in Fostering Global Peace.

Nimesh Chettri, Kilari Chandra Sekhar
Global peace has been identified to be vital for ensuring the maintenance of health, safety and inclusion among the nations and the purpose behind the formation of the United Nations or UN is to promote peace. This study has been aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the role taken by the UN to foster “international peace”. An exploratory research design has been used for gathering and interpreting relevant data, while a secondary qualitative data collection approach has been followed. Reliable...

Culture  Economics  Criminology  Demography  Art 

Sep 11, 2023Open    AccessArticle


Dr. Rana Abdul Shakoor, Anila Yasin
Schools, and universities are worthless without students. The most valuable resource for every educational institution is its students without any doubt. The academic achievement of students is intimately related to the social and economic prosperity of the nation. The academic performance of the students is crucial in developing the highest caliber graduates who will serve as outstanding leaders and human resources for the nation, contributing to the economic and social growth of that nation. ...

Journalism and Communication  Law  Information Science  International Relations  History  Public Policy  Human Geography  Economics  Criminology  Demography  Music  Sociology  Sports Science  Statistics  Military Science  Philosophy  Archaeology  Politics  Anthropology  Psychology  Library, Intelligence and Philology  Art  Linguistics  Literature  Pedagogy  Culture 

Jan 12, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Trends in Workplace Wearable Technologies and Connected-Worker Solutions for Next-Generation Occupational Safety , Health , and Productivity

Vishal Patel, Austin Chesmore, Christopher M. Legner, Santosh Pandey
The workplace influences the safety, health, and productivity of workers at multiple levels. To protect and promote total worker health, smart hardware, and software tools have emerged for the identification, elimination, substitution, and control of occupational hazards. Wearable devices enable constant monitoring of individual workers and the environment, whereas connected worker solutions provide contextual information and decision support. Here, the recent trends in commercial workplace tech...

Information Technologies  Public Economics  Behavioral Economics  Automata  Computer and Network Security  Agricultural Engineering  Communication Protocols  Environmental Sciences  Environmental Sciences  Cloud Computing  Innovation Management  Artificial Intelligence  Big Data Search and Mining  Business Management  Information Management  Applications of Communication Systems  Chemical Engineering & Technology  Food Science & Technology  Marketing  Machine Learning  Diagnostics  Electric Engineering  Civil Engineering  Computer Engineering  Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish Science  Information retrieval  Mechanical Engineering  Bioengineering  Mineral Engineering  Bioinformatics  Information and Communication: Security, Privacy, and Trust  Biophysics  Information and communication theory and algorithms  Distributed computing  Physical Education  Grid Computing  Business Communication  Consumer Behavior  Corporate Governance  Distance and Open Education  Engineering Management  Entrepreneurship  Software Engineering  Applied Physics  Opsearch  Information Science  Public Policy  E-Learning and Knowledge Management  Economics  Technology  Demography  Mobile and Portable Communications Systems  Mobile and Ubiquitous Networks  Mobile Computing Systems  Multimedia/Signal processing  Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility  Socioeconomics  Business Finance and Investment  Business Analysis  Economic System  Business and Economics Education  Electronic Commerce  Information Economics  Advertising  Total Quality Management  Supply Chain Management  Drugs & Devices  Public Health  Sports Science  Sales Management  Marine Biology  Statistics  Risk Management  Project Management and Strategy  Dynamical System  Project Management  Public Administration  Materials Engineering 

Apr 17, 2020Open    AccessArticle

Mariages interethniques et accès au foncier en milieu rural ivoirien : une illustration du village de Nandibo 2 dans le sud de la C?te d’Ivoire

TANO Mehsou Mylene ELLA, Félix Richard BROU
Cet article est une contribution à la compréhension des questions des mariages interethniques et le droit d’accès au foncier en milieu rural dans le village de Nandibo 2 dans le sud ivoirien. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser les mécanismes d’accès au foncier dans les alliances matrimoniales (mariages intra ethniques et interethniques), le mode d’accès au foncier des descendants et les différentes interprétations de ces acteurs. Les données présentées dans cette contribution s’appuient su...

Human Geography  Demography  Linguistics  Literature 

Jul 28, 2017Open    AccessArticle


Sukriyah Kustanti Moerad, Windiani Windiani, Syukrianti Mukhtar, Much nurif
Salah satu kota di ujung timur Jawa Timur yakni Kota Banyuwangi mempunyai potensi pertambangan berada di satu kawasan Desa Sumber Agung, Kecamatan Pesanggaran Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Pertambangan di areal ini sangat unik yakni ada 7 Bukit yang mengandung tambang tersebut. Gunung itu terkenal dengan nama “Bukit Tumpang Pitu” dengan luasan mencapai 11.621,45 Ha. Sejak tahun 2000 masyarakat wilayah ini secara tradisionil sudah banyak yang mengetahuinya dan masyarakat banyak yang mencoba beralih...

Natural Geography  Economics  Education  Anthropology  Demography 

Jul 28, 2017Open    AccessArticle

Strategi Pengendalian dan Pengawasan Sempadan Sungai. (Studi Kasus : Kali Surabaya di Kecamatan Driyorejo dan Wringinanom Kabupaten Gresik)

suprapti suprapti, usman arief, siti zahrok, heru purwadio
Menurut Ecoton (2014), di Kecamatan Driyorejo dan Wringinanom Kabupaten Gresik sepanjang kanan kiri Kali Surabaya terdapat lebih dari 1.000 bangunan permukiman, tempat usaha dan sarana umum yang dibangun secara permanen di atas sempadan Kali Surabaya. Sementara itu Dinas Pengairan Provinsi jawa Timur mengidentifikasikan di sepanjang Kali Surabaya yang melewati Kecamatan Wringinanom dan Driyorejo terdapat 1.191 bangunan yang dibangun di daerah sempadan sungai. Di antaranya adalah pembangunan guda...

Natural Geography  Human Geography  Demography 

Jul 14, 2017Open    AccessArticle


Sukriyah Kustanti Moerad, Endang Susilowati
Proyek Umbulan adalah sebuah program raksasa pemerintah Jawa Timur, yang sudah dicanangkan sejak masa Orde Baru hingga saat ini belum terlaksana. Dalam menghadapi Era Pembangunan Milenium (MDGs), diperkirakan 78 juta orang Indonesia akan membutuhkan pasokan air bersih lebih banyak. Gubernur Jawa Timur berkeinginan untuk mengelola sumber air Umbulan tersebut bagi masyarakat Jawa Timur khususnya Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik dan Kota Pasuruan sendiri. Hal ini untuk mengurangi potensi PDAM selama ini...

Ecosystem Science  Demography  Environmental Sciences 

Aug 18, 2016Open    AccessArticle

The Dynamics of Clopotiva Village. A Cartographical Analysis

The study aims to analyse the dynamics of Clopotiva, a village in Hateg Country, from the date of its first documentary mention until present. The analysis points out the role of the natural, historical and cultural conditions together with the processes influencing the dynamics of this settlement. Information extracted from monographies, historical documents and other specialised studies were used for the medieval period, and starting with the 18th century, GIS analysis was applied to the avail...

History  Human Geography  Demography 

Dec 22, 2014Open    AccessArticle

Demographic transition and transition of urban water consumption in Brazil

Roberto Luiz do Carmo, Ricardo de Sampaio Dagnino, Igor Cavallini Johansen
In this paper we discuss that, although the volume of the population is an important aspect to be considered in the relationship between population and environment, there are other factors that may be even more important. From a demographic perspective, for example, details such as composition and spatial distribution of the population are essential. In environmental terms, the style of development and level of consumption are crucial. Brazil is going through a time of important transitions. On ...
