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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Development of the best optimal policy for Inventory control in a Small and Medium Enterprise

DOI: -

Subject Areas: Industrial Engineering

Keywords: Inventory control, Small and Medium Enterprise, Multiple linear regressions, Inventory management

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This study aims to address the issue of production inventory overstocking and understocking in a small and medium enterprise. Three years' worth of production data were acquired and accurately evaluated using multiple linear regression analysis in the case study to ensure successful inventory management. The MINITAB program was used to create a multiple linear regression model to predict the amount of inventory needed. By entering the amount of each raw material utilized in the model, the management of the company can use the model to predict the monthly total quantity of output. This will aid in stifling any type of employee misconduct. Accurate forecasting of inventory needs is necessary for effective inventory control. By employing historical data in specialized software to create models that can efficiently develop the appropriate policies for inventory requirements in small and medium firms, this work adds to the expanding body of research on data driven inventory management.

Cite this paper

H.C, G. , I.E, U. , P.S, A. and N.C, I. (2022). Development of the best optimal policy for Inventory control in a Small and Medium Enterprise. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, e6729. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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