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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Improving Education Outcomes in Engineering & Technology Domain: A Case of Faculty of Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

DOI: -

Subject Areas: Industrial Engineering

Keywords: Academic guidance and Counseling staff to student ratios feedback system/structure teaching approach innovative policies

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The occupational influx of foreign expatriates in the country and the technical preference of these foreign competitors over our indigenous engineers have shown that most of our university outputs do not bring forth the presumed outcome. This odd position has limited us further from the global technological theatre, and has been a contentious issue in various academic symposium and conferences. The research was conducted to examine the university system’s operational strategies and their underlying teaching policies. Some of the notable variables that has link with the output quality of students in the university system were assessed in the study. The input variable (staff: student ratio) and some of the process variables were examined. An exponential model was developed, and used to determine the appropriate staff requirement in the faculty of Engineering, in accordance with the National university commission’s specified staff -to-student benchmark ratio. A qualitative method of investigation was used in assessing the process variables, and four hypotheses were generated from the study. The outcome of the study has widely disclosed a dysfunctional feedback system in the faculty, lack of technology support initiatives, inappropriate teaching methods, lack of proper academic guidance and counseling supports. The researchers in this study now likened these weak outcomes as part of the drawbacks in producing highly prolific engineering graduates in the society at large.

Cite this paper

U-Dominic, C. M. , Godwin, H. C. and Igbokwe, N. (2017). Improving Education Outcomes in Engineering & Technology Domain: A Case of Faculty of Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports , e6727. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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