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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


PED?ATR?K POPULASYONDA FORAMEN MAND?BULAE LOKAL?ZASYONUNUN ü? BOYUTLU B?LG?SAYARLI TOMOGRAF? ?LE DE?ERLEND?R?LMES?/ Evaluation of Mandibular Foramen Localization Through Three Dimensional Computed Tomography in Pediatric Population

DOI: 10.25279/sak.472838, PP. 225-242

Subject Areas: Anatomy & Physiology

Keywords: Mandibular Foramen, Pediatric Population, Computerized Tomography.

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The aim of our study was to evaluate the location of the mandibular foramen by age, sex and location (right / left) using three-dimensional computed tomography in the pediatric population. 102 children who underwent cranial computed tomography for any reason were included in this study. The sex and location comparisons of the obtained data were statistically evaluated and the age-related correlation of the parameters was evaluated. We found that the distance between the mandibular foramen and the incisura mandibulae was 13.4 ± 2.2 mm, the distance between lower margin of the mandible and incisura mandibulae was 34.8±4.4 mm, the distance between mandibular foramen and posterior magin of the ramus was 9.1±1.8 mm and the anteroposterior diameter of the mandible was 24±2.4 mm in our study. There was no significant difference between genders and location comparisons. There was a positive correlation between age and measurements. When we compare the information obtained in our study with the literature, it is observed that many findings are similar, but there are differences in some measurements. These differences are due to the fact that other studies performed in dry bones and panoramic radiographs, working in different age groups, different measurement methods, and relatively low number of tomography studies on live human. Age-related changes occur in the mandibular foramen, but more anatomical and clinical studies are needed to confirm these differences. The exact location of the foramen mandibular foramen in the pediatric population is of great importance for the reduction of anesthetic complications in mandibular anesthesia.

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ERY???T, ?. , TURAMANLAR, O. , üNAL, M. and KA?AR, E. (2019). PED?ATR?K POPULASYONDA FORAMEN MAND?BULAE LOKAL?ZASYONUNUN ü? BOYUTLU B?LG?SAYARLI TOMOGRAF? ?LE DE?ERLEND?R?LMES?/ Evaluation of Mandibular Foramen Localization Through Three Dimensional Computed Tomography in Pediatric Population. Health Academy Kastamonu, e797. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.472838.


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