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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


B?R HASTANEDE ?ALI?AN HEM??RELER?N ?OCUK ?HMAL VE ?ST?SMARINA Y?NEL?K B?LG? DüZEY? VE YAKLA?IMLARININ ?NCELENMES?/ Determination of Knowledge Level and Approaches of Nurses Working in A Hospital to Child Neglect and Abuse

DOI: 10.25279/sak.404187, PP. 75-89

Subject Areas: Nursing

Keywords: Knowledge Level, Child Neglect, Child Abuse

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The aim of this study is to research the knowledge of the nurses that participate in a hospital on about child abuse and neglect and their approaches. 565 nurses who worked in Gulhane Training and Research Hospital has formed the universe of the research is planned as a descriptive study and reached 91% of the universe (n=436). Personal information forms and “Recognition of the Child Abuse and Neglect’ s Signs and Risks Intended for Scale" were formed by UYSAL will be used for data collection and data collection will be performed by the investigators by face to face method. Collected data will be evaluated by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Programme. The association between dependent and independent variables will be evaluated by one-way non-parametric (chi-square) and parametric (student t-test, ANOVA ) tests. The statistical significance level is accepted as p<0.05. Child abuse and neglect signs and risks of diagnostic information overall scale mean score was found to be 3.9 ± 0.4. The determinants which increase the child abuse and neglect general, knowledge scores increased of education, child neglect, and abuse encounter cases during the study period with the case, institution / unit held on child abuse and neglect forms / procedures existence, suspected child abuse and neglect to report a case statement and the marital status was found to be decisive for reducing the child abuse and neglect score. These findings show that the nurse's knowledge is moderate about child abuse and neglect. It saw the education that increasing the level of nurses knowledge about child abuse and neglect.Therefore, ?t should be given especially including undergraduate education and then post-graduate education about child abuse and neglect.

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Y?lmaz, B. and ?al??kan, D. (2019). B?R HASTANEDE ?ALI?AN HEM??RELER?N ?OCUK ?HMAL VE ?ST?SMARINA Y?NEL?K B?LG? DüZEY? VE YAKLA?IMLARININ ?NCELENMES?/ Determination of Knowledge Level and Approaches of Nurses Working in A Hospital to Child Neglect and Abuse. Health Academy Kastamonu, e791. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.404187.


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