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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


HEM??REL?K B?LüMü ??RENC?LER?N?N ORGAN NAKL? VE BA?I?I KONUSUNDAK? B?LG?, TUTUM VE DAVRANI?LARININ BEL?RLENMES?/ Determination of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of Nursing Students About Organ Transplantation and Donation

DOI: 10.25279/sak.450362, PP. 210-227

Subject Areas: Nursing

Keywords: Organ Transplantation, Organ Donation, Student

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This study was performed to determine knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of nursing students about organ transplantation and donation. This descriptive and comparative study was carried out with a total of 851 students who were studying in the Department of Nursing in Bulent Ecevit University Faculty of Health Sciences during 2017-2018 academic year. Data were collected by a Questionnaire Form. Numbers, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and chi square tests were used to analyze data. In the study, it was found that students' knowledge about organ transplantation and donation was not at a sufficient level; that students had attitudes towards organ donation, but the percentage of the ones who considered organ donation and donated their organs was low; that the state of considering organ donation showed a significant difference based on class level, the neighborhood of the family, education level of the father, having knowledge about organ donation, believing that organ donation has a life-saving role and presence of an individual with a need for organ donation within the family. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested to include subjects of organ transplantation and donation in the curricula of nursing departments more and to add elective courses based on organ transplantation and donation to the curricula for the students who want to specialize in this subject.

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ALTINTA?, H. K. (2018). HEM??REL?K B?LüMü ??RENC?LER?N?N ORGAN NAKL? VE BA?I?I KONUSUNDAK? B?LG?, TUTUM VE DAVRANI?LARININ BEL?RLENMES?/ Determination of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of Nursing Students About Organ Transplantation and Donation. Health Academy Kastamonu, e781. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.450362.


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