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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


TRANSTEORET?K MODELE DAYANDIRILARAK MOT?VASYONEL G?Rü?ME TEKN???N?N KRON?K HASTALIKLARDA KULLANIM ?RNEKLER?N?N ?NCELENMES?/ Examination of Use Examples of Chronic Diseases According to Transtheoretic Model Based on Motivational Interview Technique

DOI: 10.25279/sak.337571, PP. 136-147

Subject Areas: Nursing

Keywords: Motivational Interv?ew, Chronic Disease, Nursing

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Since chronic diseases are an important problem nowadays and nurses plays an important role in management of these diseases it is important to make studies that will facilitate the management of chronic diseases in the field of nursing. Motivational interview technique based on transtheoretical model during management of chronical diseases is found to be effective in gaining behavioral change in managenet process of diseases. The aim of this study is to examine the working examples of behavior based on the transtheoretical model and the studies using motivational interview technique to evaluate the behavior modification process in the management process of chronic diseases. Motivational interviewing studies have been carried out in the fields of chronic diseases, especially diabetes, hypertension, obesity and chronic heart failure. motivational interviewing have been found to be highly effective in the management of the most common chronic diseases in the World and Turkey such as diabetes, hypertension.

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ARABACI, Z. , DO?RU, A. and YILDIRIM, J. G. (2018). TRANSTEORET?K MODELE DAYANDIRILARAK MOT?VASYONEL G?Rü?ME TEKN???N?N KRON?K HASTALIKLARDA KULLANIM ?RNEKLER?N?N ?NCELENMES?/ Examination of Use Examples of Chronic Diseases According to Transtheoretic Model Based on Motivational Interview Technique. Health Academy Kastamonu, e780. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.337571.


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