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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


PROTET?K D?? TEDAV?S?NDE EKLEME Y?NTEM? ?LE üRET?M/ Additive Manufacturing Technique In Prosthetic Dentistry

DOI: 10.25279/sak.347002, PP. 66-86

Subject Areas: Dentistry

Keywords: Computer-Assisted Design, Computer-Assisted Manufacturing, Three Dimensional Printing, Prosthetic Dentistry.

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Subtractive computer-aided design and manufacturing technique is revolutionary in dentistry providing lots of advantages such as accuracy, time and labour saving, prevention of cross-infection. Because this technique causes waste of more materialthan used for the final restoration, it has high cost. Requirement of cost reduction led to development of additive manufacturing technique. This technique supplants traditional subtractive computer aided design and manufacturing technique enabling manufacturing of complex structures in a short time. The additive computer-aided design and manufacturing techniques used in prosthetic dentistry including working mechanism of the devices, materials used in each technique, comparison of the techniques and studies regarding these techniques have been explained in detail. In addition to this, it has been tried to make incomprehensible terms in Turkish literature clear.

Cite this paper

CEBEC?, N. ?. and TOKMAKCIO?LU, H. H. (2018). PROTET?K D?? TEDAV?S?NDE EKLEME Y?NTEM? ?LE üRET?M/ Additive Manufacturing Technique In Prosthetic Dentistry. Health Academy Kastamonu, e775. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.347002.


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