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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Deuteron Dimensions

DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2017.649.654, PP. 649-654

Subject Areas: Dynamical System, Modern Physics, Industrial Engineering, Military Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics

Keywords: Deuteron Dimensions, Deuteron Kinematics, Deuteron Dynamics, Deuteron Velocity, Proton

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The exact sizes of a Deuteron are extremely important today because deuterons are proposed for use as a raw material for the completion of the merger in the nuclear power station. The work proposes a study in the kinematic and dynamic design of a particle deuteron in motion. Mechanical equations of movement introduced are original and have been already determined for the study of a basic particle located in motion, such as for example the electron. The paper presents all the dimensions of a deuteron in motion, determined with an ultra-high precision depending on its speed of travel. The equation of motion has been deducted and using the theory of the mechanisms and of the classic mechanics because they have been used and moments of mechanical inertia mass of a body when it is in motion.

Cite this paper

Petrescu, R. V. V. , Raffaella, A. , Kozaitis, S. and Petrescu, A. A. A. F. I. T. (2017). Deuteron Dimensions. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, e503. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3844/ajeassp.2017.649.654.


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