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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Depression In The Relatives Of Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

DOI: 10.25279/sak.259436, PP. 56-70

Subject Areas: Psychiatry & Psychology, Oncology, Nursing

Keywords: Chemotherapy, Cancer Patient, Patient’s Relatives, Depression

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The study is made to determine the level of depression in the relatives of patients receiving chemotherapy and related factors. 50 patients consulting to the Chemotherapy Clinic at Kastamonu Dr. Münif ?slamo?lu State Hospital between December 1, 2013 and January 10, 2014 comprise the sampling of the study. Beck Depression Scale is used to gather information about the relatives of patients through definitive questions. The data obtained in the research is analysed by SPSS for Windows 21.0 programme. In the comparison of quantitative data Man Whitney-U and Kruskall Whallis tests are used. The level of depression in the relatives of patients has been found moderate (X=14,880 ± 8,240). In terms of independent variants, it has been stated that the level of depression is lower in the relatives with higher income when compared to the ones with lower income, higher in the relatives who are 50 years old or above than the ones between 17-35, lower in university graduates when compared to other graduates, lower in the ones consulting to the doctor rather than the nurse, much lower in the ones getting information for the care of the patient than the ones who do not ask for any information, and that it increases along with the increasing period of treatment (p>0.05). With the guidance of these findings it is suggested that the relatives of patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment should get psycho-social support.

Cite this paper

Softa, H. K. , ?EL?K, A. and BA?B?LEN, H. (2016). Depression In The Relatives Of Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Sa?l?k Akademisi Kastamonu, e8127. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.259436.


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