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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


An empirical study of work and family life spheres and emergence of work-life balance initiatives under uncertain economic scenario.

Subject Areas: Welfare Economics, Anthropology, Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Labor Economics, Human Resource Management, Psychology

Keywords: Work-life balance, work-life conflict, work-life benefits, employee benefits, employee engagement

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In the last six decades, work life and family life spheres of employees have undergone various changes. This paper presents an empirical study of major factors which have influenced employee work-life balance and popular work-life balance tools initiated at organisational level to help an employee balance different life segments such as work, family, personal finances, career and health. Current work-life balance approach, tools and programmes at organisational level primarily address those issues of work and personal life which got highlighted between the 1950’s and later years of the 20th century. Current global recession in the 21st century has created an uncertain economic scenario in which employers and employees are facing new challenges and earlier work-life balance research might not be sufficient enough address the new issues. This calls for further research on work-life balance, for a wider applicability of work-life balance programmes at organisational level.

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Naithani, P. and Jha, A. (2009). An empirical study of work and family life spheres and emergence of work-life balance initiatives under uncertain economic scenario.. Growth-Journal of the Management Training Institute, e5804.


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