Total of 11 articles.


Oct 30, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Yellow Journalism in India: A Truth about Impacts biased news agencies have on common masses and their reactions against policies in India

Mohammad Samsul Ulum, Abdullah M. Al-Ansi
An understanding of the present scenario of mainstream journalism in India clearly highlights the development of two distinct factions. Yellow journalism in India is on the rise, with several political implications associated with the press. The study here is in line with the understanding of the very concept of yellow journalism and its background. An understanding of the aspect of the two factions in Indian media and the associated factors are provided here.

Journalism and Communication  Politics 

Sep 11, 2023Open    AccessArticle


Dr. Rana Abdul Shakoor, Anila Yasin
Schools, and universities are worthless without students. The most valuable resource for every educational institution is its students without any doubt. The academic achievement of students is intimately related to the social and economic prosperity of the nation. The academic performance of the students is crucial in developing the highest caliber graduates who will serve as outstanding leaders and human resources for the nation, contributing to the economic and social growth of that nation. ...

Journalism and Communication  Law  Information Science  International Relations  History  Public Policy  Human Geography  Economics  Criminology  Demography  Music  Sociology  Sports Science  Statistics  Military Science  Philosophy  Archaeology  Politics  Anthropology  Psychology  Library, Intelligence and Philology  Art  Linguistics  Literature  Pedagogy  Culture 

Sep 04, 2020Open    AccessArticle

Desafíos de la comunicación pública de epidemias a las políticas de salud en la Argentina

Mónica Petracci, Paula Rodríguez Zoya
El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre la comunicación de políticas públicas de salud en el caso de las epidemias en la Argentina desde el campo de la comunicación y la salud. El dise?o metodológico se basó en la sistematización y clasificación de hallazgos de investigaciones sociales sobre las epidemias de VIH/sida, cólera, gripe H1N1 y dengue. El propósito es desarrollar los lineamientos de un marco de investigación y comunicación destinado a fortalecer las capacidades para afrontar el ...

Journalism and Communication 

Apr 10, 2020Open    AccessArticle

Le salut de la femme africaine dans l’exil : l’intéraction bonheur- identité dans une perspective problématique

Mbaye DIOP
De son vrai nom Mariétou Mbaye, Ken Bugul est l’une des premières romancières à représenter, dans Le Baobab fou publié en 1982, une Africaine qui vit en Europe des aventures telles que l’avortement, la drogue, la prostitution et le suicide. Par contre, Calixthe Beyala fait partie des écrivains expatriés pour qui l’exil représente un véritable salut. Pour la romancière franco-camerounaise, la liberté de la femme se trouve dans l’immigration parce qu’elle considère l’homme africain comme un agent ...

Journalism and Communication  Information Science  Psychology  Linguistics  Literature 

Mar 18, 2020Open    AccessArticle

The Beginning of Theory and Practice of New Media: Alan Kay’s and Ted Nelson’s Projects

Oleksandr Mandelina
The article elucidates the conceptual context of new media occurrence. Initially, the idea of a personal computer contained a concept of media, which was serving as a guideline in PC development. Having this considered, the research focuses on Alan Kay’s and Ted Nelson’s key ideas of (1) turning a computer into a personal meta-medium due to a user interface and (2) the idea of hypertext. Alan Kay considers media as a driving change for developing of thinking patterns and new competencies. While...

Journalism and Communication  Information Science  History  Philosophy  Literature 

Mar 18, 2020Open    AccessArticle

The Construction of the Russian Propaganda Story about the “Train of Friendship”

Kateryna Boguslavska
Propaganda appears to be an inseparable and significant part of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. For this reason, analysis of Russia’s methods is one of the most important tasks for Ukrainian researchers. In order to understand how propaganda works, it is necessary to investigate the concrete examples of it. The aim of this article is to study how Russian propaganda story about the “train of friendship” was constructed. To that end, the author delves into the origins of this story as well...

Journalism and Communication  International Relations  History  Politics  Art 

Mar 11, 2020Open    AccessArticle

The Necessity and Importance of Incorporating Media and Information Literacy into Holistic Metaliteracy

Alireza Salehi-Nejad
Digitalization and the emergence of the Internet have resulted in escalating access to information and communication. Given the circumstances that soaring access to information amounts to the intensification of misinformation and disinformation, a set of critical skills to navigate and critically assess the information is necessary. This paper outlines the significance of these skills, and provides a perspective on metaliteracy as a supplement to media and information literacy, and argues that t...

Sociology  Journalism and Communication  Information Science  Information and Communication: Security, Privacy, and Trust  Information and communication theory and algorithms 

Mar 08, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Manifesto pela Cidadania Digital

Massimo Di Felice, Mario Pireddu, Derrick de Kerckhove, Jose Bragan?a de Miranda, J. Alberto Sanchez Martinez, Cosimo Accoto
Professores, pesquisadores e centros de pesquisa de diferentes países assinaram um Manifesto Pela Cidadania Digital. O texto está dividido em quatro partes e tem como objetivo apresentar um campo de pesquisa, estudo e reflex?o sobre as mudan?as aportadas pela web e pelas redes digitais na participa??o dos cidad?os, nos processos decisórios e na política em geral.

Journalism and Communication 

Aug 31, 2018Open    AccessArticle


Burak ACAR, Bedriye TAYLI
With the development of technology, the traditional media has begun to leave its place to digital atmosphere. Along with the use of digital media, people began to focus on visual materials rather than written texts. In this age when people have shown a lot of interest in visual materials, the photo has entered a new phase. Perhaps the photo has begun to show more interest than ever before. Because, photography is an indispensable part of digital media. Actually, we use photography not only in di...

Journalism and Communication 

Jan 25, 2017Open    AccessArticle

Akademi ve Dü?ünce Kurulu?lar? Ba?lam?nda Türkiye’de Bilgi üretimi ve Mülteciler

Yenal GOksun
2011 y?l?nda ba?layan Suriye krizi ve onun bir sonucu olarak mülteci meselesi son d?nemde Türkiye ve dünya kamuoyunun ?nemli gündem maddelerinden biri haline gelmi?tir. Kamuoyunun uzun süre bu insan? krize duyars?z kalmas? toplumsal bilgi üretimine katk? sa?layan kurumlar?n bu konudaki ?al??malar? ve üretimleriyle ili?kilendirilebilir. Suriye krizi ve Suriyeli mülteciler hakk?nda toplumda var olan kanaatlerin ?ekillenmesinde ya?anm?? deneyimler ve toplumsal haf?zan?n yan? s?ra medya, siyase...

Journalism and Communication 
